Executive Director
Nonprofit VOTE
Brian joined Nonprofit VOTE as its new Executive Director in 2014, bringing 20 years of nonprofit management experience with him. Since then, he has worked successfully to raise the visibility of Nonprofit VOTE’s work on the national stage while bringing the voter engagement strategies of Nonprofit VOTE to scale, leveraging new resources, documenting the impact of its work, and forging new partnerships. He has also played a key role in leading Nonprofit VOTE’s management of National Voter Registration Day. Prior to his tenure at Nonprofit VOTE, Brian served as Executive Director of two other organizations, including United for a Fair Economy (UFE), an organization recognized for its sentinel work to raise the veil of growing economic inequality, and Tennesseans for Fair Taxation, a statewide coalition working to pass comprehensive tax reform. A south Louisiana native with Cajun roots, Brian started his career as a community organizer before moving on to organize in Kentucky and Tennessee.