Thursday, November 16
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
What Everyone Can Learn From Leaders of Color
Location: Lone Star 4 (2nd Floor, Convention)
“How do we make sure things at an organization meaningfully change besides just the faces around a table?” “Does the diversity of leadership really matter if an organization already factors race into its strategy?” We have heard a variety of questions like these in response to the calls to elevate leaders of color.
To be sure, calls across the social sector to put BIPOC leadership at the forefront have always been there for anyone willing to listen. The case for the importance of proximate leadership for the sake of impact has already been made many times over. Bias-fueled myths about the lack of qualified leaders of color have repeatedly been debunked.
This session isn’t designed to convince you of these things, but will instead elevate the assets and skills that leaders of color bring — because of their identity — that make them effective leaders. Participants will learn how organizations can better recognize and support the overlooked skills that are critical for impact. They’ll also explore how to refine their own definitions of leadership to be more inclusive and equitable.
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