Explore Upswell
Pre-registration is required. Please visit the registration desk onsite (Skybridge Registration (2nd Floor, Convention) or email info@upswell.org if you’re interested in attending. Space is limited. Sponsored by Communities Foundation of Texas and the Dallas Foundation Big Thought Big Thought’s north star is that all youth in marginalized communities will be equipped to imagine and create their best lives and world. Throughout their 36-year history of innovation, Big Thought has become a national model in arts education, out-of-school time systems, summer learning, and social-emotional learning. They manage a dynamic network of more than 600 partners to help scale programs and expand …
Pre-registration is required. Please visit the registration desk onsite (Skybridge Registration (2nd Floor, Convention) or email info@upswell.org if you’re interested in attending. Space is limited. Restorative Farms Restorative Farms (RF) founded in 2017, is a catalyst for a professional urban farm and agrisystem situated in South Dallas Fair Park, one of the city of Dallas’ most underserved communities. As a sustainable, profitable, professionally run urban farm, Restorative Farm serves as an “agrisystem” that can be replicated, yielding locally grown, fresh produce. During this site visit, attendees will partake in a tour of the farm grounds to learn how Restorative Farms …
Pre-registration is required. Please visit the registration desk onsite (Skybridge Registration (2nd Floor, Convention) or email info@upswell.org if you’re interested in attending. Space is limited. Sponsored by Communities Foundation of Texas and the Dallas Foundation Owenwood Farm & Neighbor Space Nestled in the heart of Far East Dallas, Owenwood Farm and Neighbor Space, managed by GROW North Texas, is an Urban Farm Project that serves as a learning space for food production, food access, and policy. As a community gathering place, Owenwood Farm houses multiple nonprofits that offer various programs and services to the community. Through this partnership, GROW …
At this special meeting for IS members, Dr. Akilah Watkins, President and CEO of Independent Sector, and Board Chair Fred Blackwell, President and CEO of the San Francisco Foundation, will share reflections on Akilah’s first year of leadership and the national CEO listening tour, plans for 2024 initiatives, and participate in Q&A with other members of our Board of Directors. During the Business Meeting portion of the meeting, Independent Sector members will vote on the term-renewal of current board members and the election of new board members. Reception immediately follows. Please register through the Independent Sector website events page if …
Join us for the opening reception to kickoff Upswell 2023! This event will feature welcome remarks from Independent Sector President and CEO Dr. Akilah Watkins, and SVP Dallas CEO Tony Fleo. A brief program to include the presentation of the NGEN Award Winner and a performance by local Dallas dancers TMJ Studio Company. Hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be served.