Thursday, November 16
9:30 am – 9:45 am
How To Strengthen American Democracy by Cultivating Engaged Citizens
Location: Lone Star Ballroom (2nd floor, Convention)
Spark Talk
This is an urgent moment for the nation and for democracy. Across political parties and demographics, there is a lack of faith that our system can work for everyone. Deep polarization, mistrust, and misinformation stymie progress. Still, there are reasons for optimism in our ideals, our history, and the ambition of Gen Z. Cultivating more informed, engaged, and committed citizens now will power a more stable and inclusive democracy in the future. This session will make the case for investing in the civic engagement of young people as the underestimated solution to what ails our democracy. It will suggest specific steps that anyone can take — whether you lead a nonprofit organization or a business, are a policymaker or a voter, or are a teacher, a parent or a neighbor — to unleash the potential of this next generation.